奥比王 发表于 2013-5-5 23:43:51

MV47 Endeavour 奋进号 詹姆斯·库克的科考船 意大利Mamoli出品

MV47 Endeavour 奋进号 詹姆斯·库克的科考船

完成尺寸:长430mm 高360mm

James Cook, the great discoverer of the Pacific region , was born in 1728 as the son of a farmer. Over a number of years he acquired seamanlike experience and in 1755 joined the British Royal Fleet where he made it to the rank of a “master” within a short period of time. In 1768 he was handed over the command of a scientific exploration trip to the South Pacific. The ship to be used for this project was the “Endeavour”, which was a remodelled brig. Its solid structure made it extremely seaworthy. In order to accommodate a group of astronomers and scientists the vessel was modified considerably. The Endeavour left Plymouth with direction of Cape Horn and reached its port of destination, Tahiti in April 1769. After completion of the necessary scientific studies Cook went on towards New Zealand, where he remained until the end of March 1770, 2400 miles of coastline were recorded.

海军上校詹姆斯·库克,FRS,RN(Captain James Cook,1728年11月7日-1779年2月14日),人称库克船长(Captain Cook),是英国皇家海军军官、航海家、探险家和制图师,他曾经三度奉命出海前往太平洋,带领船员成为首批登陆澳洲东岸和夏威夷群岛的欧洲人,也创下首次有欧洲船只环绕新西兰航行的纪录。詹姆斯·库克是一位因进行了三次探险航行而闻名于世的伟大探险家。他给人们关于大洋--特别是太平洋的地理学知识增添了新的内容。他还被认为在通过改善船员的饮食--包括增加水果和蔬菜等来预防长期航行中出现的坏血病方面也有所贡献。

奥比王 发表于 2013-5-5 23:45:37


奥比王 发表于 2013-5-5 23:46:22

奥比王 发表于 2013-5-5 23:47:11

奥比王 发表于 2013-5-5 23:48:03



木工厂 发表于 2013-5-6 01:08:59


fjzzez 发表于 2013-5-6 08:42:34

本帖最后由 fjzzez 于 2013-5-6 08:43 编辑

小船有时制作难度不比大船小 喜欢这条船的船型

luoyt2009 发表于 2013-5-6 15:11:10

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